
Underground Social

Random Thoughts: Last Night

That was one freaky Friday.

There were 81 of us last night. One brutha who came for the first time said Blackout has an energy that feels welcoming and chill and freaky, all at the same time. That's cool.

A few thoughts:

  • Bathroom monitor. Starting in January, we're adding a crew member to keep the bathrooms clean throughout the night and make sure soap and towels are available at all times.
  • Wet socks? Yeah, we know. Someone spills a drink, you step on it, now you got soggy socks. Feel free to keep them shoes or flip flops on.
  • Know your limit. We had a minor incident where one brutha got full and briefly made someone else's experience uncomfortable. Drink responsibly, please.

Blackout doesn't wanna get caught slippin'. Please share your comments and suggestions so we can continue to improve.

See everyone next year --- Friday, January 1, 2016. And again, thank you for being such a chill group, for respecting each other, and making it flow so smoothly.