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Blackout: Lick It and Stick It

Attendance: 58

A brutha who attended last night wrote in the Comments section:

love yall Blackout Social. I flew in from the midwest for one night. Snuck in for all that booty and left last night. Be back in a few weeks. Thanks for providing a safe discreet place for a brotha like me.

Lick It and Stick It

Speaking of “all that booty”, one sexy mofo dipped into the Slut-Me-Out area in back and got his ass ate real good, for starters. Then his guts got scrambled. He begged “daddy” to go easy, but that was not an option on this particular night.

Nino Brown

We tested a new host last night, too. His name is Nino Brown (yeah, really). He’s a young, sexy, slim, chocolate bro with a smooth, calming presence. Nino did an amazing job and we’ll definitely see him again at the next Blackout.

Thanks to Kay for providing security. Biggest thanks to all you mofos who pulled up and set the mood. We appreciate you.