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Blackout: Balls Swinging

Attendance: 71

Before each party, we always send a text message to err-body on the guest list with the party info and location. But our text messaging service was down Friday, so we posted an announcement on the site saying the party was still on as scheduled.

We apologize to all those who missed Blackout this week due to our technical difficulty. We’ll get this issue resolved ASAP.

Fortunately, most of y’all already know our routine, so bruthas showed up and got freaky as usual. Some phyne mofos joined us for the first time, too.

A brutha named GudnFreakie wrote in our Telegram chat room:


Big thanks to tall, sexy-ass Klyde for hosting and keeping us so organized. Huge thanks to Mo, Carlos, and Dom for providing excellent security. We appreciate you.

Biggest thanks, as always, goes to all you chocolate mofos who walked in with balls swingin’ and brought that heat even though our text messaging service was down.

Y’all knew the routine.