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Last Night: To All the Newbies

Attendance: 50

We had an unusually high number of first-timers pull up last night. It’s always cool watching newbies walk in, grab a cocktail, and adjust to the situation.

It can be a little intimidating at first, especially hearing cheeks clapped and intense moaning coming from total darkness. Err-body enjoyed themselves, though.

One brutha from South Africa said he was very impressed with the welcoming, chill vibe.

Yarddie Alert

We got word that adult entertainer YarddieStyle slid into our Nightcrawlers party last Saturday. How did we miss that?

Gotta thank Derek (aka “Thunderdome”) for running things like a boss. Big thanks to Chris for providing security. The biggest thanks goes to all the bruthas who pulled up last night and made Blackout such a success.