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Last Night: Sheeesh

Attendance: 71


First of all, it was packed. A lot of first-timers from out of town showed up, including some New Yorkers. It was overwhelming to witness so many sexy mofos pull up, one after another after another.

“Swalloween” got so hot and steamy, the windows dripped with condensation. It got so freaky, we were told to keep the air conditioner OFF so the heat and the smell of sex would stay intense.

By closing, you saw chocolate bodies drenched in sweat, wiping themselves off before they dressed and headed home. Bruthas looked satisfied.

WG, I don’t know how you did it, but you made sure everybody felt comfortable and safe. You’re the best, bro.

Blackout Social is nothing without its supporters. We thank you for making this year’s “Swalloween” the best one ever!